Monday, April 28, 2014

Boring Bathroom in need of a good Zshuzsh...Asian Inspired!

Here are two before photos of a VERY boring bathroom...that belongs to a VERY unboring client of mine.  


More BLAH...needs a good ZSHUZSHING!

Here is our inspiration...!

This client lived in China for two years with her why not bring a little bit of China to Missouri?

Stay tuned for the REveal!


  1. Can't wait to see it. I will never forget the first time I heard the word zshuzshing. It was when Becky and I were doing window display at Belle Fleur. Miss seeing you girls. Good memories mostly because I got to know Becky and Kim.

  2. Thanks, Debbie! Zshuzshing is such a fun word, but even more fun to do! Hope all is well!
