Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Curious or courageous?

My guess is that you are here because you are curious. I get it.
I also know that you are here because you just might need me. This excites me! This thrills me! This energizes me!
Let me lay out just a few scenarios of why you just might need my help. Is it because...

  • you can’t find your keys easily...ever? (a key hook or bowl is brilliant!)
  • your mornings are a train wreck because you don't have a system in place to help it run more smoothly? (shoe baskets and coat hooks can be revolutionary!)
  • there is not a chance on Earth that you can park your car in your garage? (inexpensive plastic shelving, hooks, and bins can make all the difference!)
  • your incoming mail and school paperwork is suffocating you and leaving you with small cuts all over your body? (a "paper" basket, an easy filing system, a recycling bin, and paper shredder can really put a smug smile on your face!)
  • your laundry...clean or dirty...has overtaken your life? (labeled laundry bins, some matching hangers, and a folding surface can help really empower you!)
  • your storage room literally scares you? (good lighting, plastic bins, and a label maker can crush your fears!)
  • your childrens' playroom overwhelms everyone in the family...including the kids? (every toy...absurdly tiny or gigantic...will have its' own place!)
  • you want to sleep anywhere except your bedroom because it does anything BUT relax you? (thread count, paint color, and lamp lighting does matter!)
You probably just rolled your eyes or even laughed out loud, but something just might have rung true. You just might need me.

I get a "high" from REorganizing and REdesigning. It takes me to my happy place. I know you want this feeling, too...and it is possible. I promise. You just need the systems in place...you need a plan...you the need the courage to ask for help.

I think you get the picture by now. So, if I have piqued your curiosity and you like what you have read so far, go ahead and keep reading. I know you have the courage.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't live without Rebecca. She is fabulous in every way. She keeps me sain.
