This second Bedroom REdesign took just a minute to come up with, but a day to fully implement the REdesign completely. And, I must admit, ROUND TWO of my client's Bedroom REdesign Dilemma is truly a BETTER option entirely.
It was simple, really. But even better than it being simple, it was SUPER FUN...really!!!
Below is the photo of the ROUND ONE Solution to helping balance out this huge bed in a rather smallish master bedroom on an off-centered wall space. The taller lamp DID help to make the room appear more balanced, but I wasn't satisfied. I just KNEW it could look and feel better.
Round One Solution

Now don't laugh when you look at my NEW and EVEN BETTER was just the start to something awesome. My client (who is up for almost anything at anytime) and I decided to spontaneously move her HUGE and somewhat awkward KING-SIZED bed and the connected headboard to the adjacent wall in her rather smallish bedroom. This was a feat in itself and rather comical!
Looks pretty good, right? I thought so, too. But then I realized my client was pinned in between the side of the bed and a semi-bulky dresser, which was not so good...but still rather hilarious! I moved the bed over just a little and she was able to shimmy her way out, unhurt thankfully.
Now this, my readers, is when the magic began to happen.
We both stood just outside of her bedroom doorway and marveled at how much more BALANCED the room already looked. Amazing! But, quickly, we began to take our focus away from how CENTERED the bed looked because we just couldn't seem to ignore the bulky dresser on the left side of the bed. After a few minutes of gibberish talk about how this arrangement MIGHT possibly work, we came to our senses and admitted that, in fact, it would be VERY DIFFICULT for her 6'5" husband to operate in such a tight space. After all, his side of the bed no longer had a walk space or any space for that matter. Dang.
Just to show you how HUGE her husband is...I am giving you a visual of how big his gym shorts and gym shoes are. (Side note: I like this photo because I look tiny-ish next to these shorts.)

At this point, my client's shoulders seemed to be slumping and she looked as though she might be defeated. I assured her she was not. WE were NOT!!! I reminded her that there is always another solution to any problem. We had solved the initial problem of the room feeling off-balanced and off-centered. The problem was not the massive bed anymore....because it was quite "centered" in its' new position in the room...and it felt great!
The NEW DESIGN DILEMMA was this pesky and rather large dresser that was in our way! She agreed, reluctantly, but felt unsure of what to do next because they NEEDED that storage for their "stuff"...really NEEDED it. My response was straight forward.
I was confident in my statement...and she was stunned. I felt excited by her reaction and what was about to happen. I reminded her she had ONE great dresser in her room...and that she didn't need TWO just because she owned them. "Huh," she said out loud. A lightbulb had just switched on! This is where things got even more interesting, more hilarious, and even BETTER than she could have imagined! So...are you ready?

Notice that the bulky dresser has disappeared. And that the room appears much BIGGER because it IS much bigger without that silly dresser. Victory! The Bedroom REdesign Dilemma has been solved once again. This solution is MUCH better. Well, we think so anyway.
Now you might be asking yourself where in the world did all that "stuff" go that my client NEEDED so badly? Good question. I can PROMISE you that it was NOT just tossed or stuffed or or hidden somewhere else. How can that be you might be wondering!?! Well, as a once popular song repeated itself over and over..."one thing leads to other!"
Come back and read how moving this one (gigantic) bed led my client to rethink her entire house...and she only had to spend a few hundred bucks. True story.
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