Some of you are probably wondering how my Bedroom Design Dilemma client only spent a couple hundred bucks when she decided to REthink, REdesign, and REorganize her entire house? Well, it was simple.
She went to TARGET ... the MECCA of all Mom Stores.

This got your ATTENTION, huh!?!
Going to Target = spending one hundred bucks (or two in this case!)
We ALL know that.
She bought bins for all three bedroom closets, spoiled herself with some matching hangers for HER closet, and a leather storage bench for the bottom of their GIGANTIC bed.
By the way, typing the word "bins" just made me smile...if you know me, you are laughing out loud. I feel the same way when I say "label maker"--no joke.
So, as you know by my previous post, we got rid of--- or I should say "Repurposed"--- her very cumbersome second dresser that was in her bedroom. It was carried by us, rather hilariously, to the basement. Check out how this bad boy got REpurposed.

TADA! Functional as a TV console AND it has tons of storage for all things related to Wii, Xbox 360, or DVDs. Huge success...Bam!
Next, I opened her bedroom closet door (I asked first) to find this!
Let's get a closer the size of those shoes!
WHOA! was my first thought, but my second was SCORE! Why, you ask? Because she already had a closet system installed...yippee! My job just got sooooo much easier! She has had these closets from Saint Louis Closet Company for over 10 was the first improvement she had done to their house when they moved in. However, this is how they were "using" them. Whaa Whaa Whaaaaa! This is EXACTLY why SLCC and I have teamed up I can be a resource to their clients of how to put back together their "stuff" in their newly installed closet systems.
After a bit of thought, we realized that it would be best if my client moved her clothes from their shared "master" closet into the office closet in the neighboring room. This way, all of the "stuff" that came out of the dresser that we moved out of the bedroom could fit into HIS closet---and very easily I might add. This giant of a man actually has a bit of extra room to grow into in this closet.
Note: His GIANT shoes now fit onto the shelves at almost his line of vision, so he does not have to bend down SO far...another plus. We tried to compartmentalize some of his shoes, but that did not work out so well. Bahahaha!

Next, we moved into my client's office to assess the closet situation.
A few bins and some matching hangers later....TADA!

On a side note, I think I need to give this client some props because not only does she have her all of clothes in here (and COLOR ORGANIZED, I might add), she also has a lot of her "work" equipment in this closet, as well. It is well hidden and contained inside of these colorful bins, but nonetheless, she made it all work with a huge sense of style and a SMILE.
Finally, we decided to tackle the boys' room. We had to do this because at some point in time she had decided in was a good idea to keep some of their clothes in her office, even though they have the BIGGEST closet and a dresser, plus two night stands. Did NOT work for me. And, she admitted, very easily, that it did NOT for her either, but she just didn't know how to make it work. They are boys, after all, which means messy and unorganized.
Oh NO they didn't.
When I saw this I LITERALLY got down on my hands and knees...not to pray...but to get this pile of boy things put into their right places. After all, everything should have a place, especially to a child. (Parenting tip: Train them well now, so they can function well later as adults.) A lot of this stuff went right into the trash--they'll never know, I promise. A few 3M hooks and some new bins later...TADA!
3M hooks in action!
My client had never heard of them before...gasp...
she is now keeping them in business!!!

The two boys can reach everything easily now and know WHERE all of their toys go because we decided to buy only clear, plastic bins for these millions of tiny pieces of things. The wicker or colored bins hold things like socks/underwear (on the lower shelves) and albums/extra sheets (on the higher shelves)--brilliant, I know. The boys were happy with the REorganization, as well. After all, everyone...but especially children...want boundaries and routine and stability. Ask any therapist or teacher...they will agree with this 1000%. Sorry if this hits a nerve for some of you, but it's true. Call me and I can help...I am cheaper than a therapist!
Now the inside of the closet matches the inside of the boys' room....organized, functional, and AMAZING!

After all, isn't that what we all want to BE?
Organized, functional, and AMAZING?
Now onto my next Design Dilemma...
This time it's a KITCHEN.
Stay tuned...
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